Working title "Rocket Rohan"

It's been 3 months now that I've been working on my 2D film script. For now the working title is "Rocket Rohan". Why Rocket Rohan one might think!! I just wanted to make it sound Indian. The title can be changed anytime. It's about a teenage genius who is a time traveler. I'm happy with the story so far.

Zyga the Zordanian

Always feels good when my story is being appreciated.
Anjum Rajabali quoted "tragic and nice

13 Volumes was a success

13 Volumes - The exhibition was a success. Everyone appreciated us for our handwork. I thank my faculty Kuldeep Mehta for making this exhibition happen in such a short notice and Jayant Sharma for working on the poster design the whole night.

13 Volumes exhibition

Well, I've been busy making templates, coordinating with the faculty and my fellow classmates and gathering information about their characters. 13 Volumes is to exhibit all the sculptures that we made during the sculpting workshop under the guidance of Debasis Nayak. Fingers crossed. . . I'll keep it posted. .